Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Magic Mindful Moments

Teaching mindfulness to our kids can only come from the depth of our own practice.  At the same time, our children are often our best teachers.  Even in the midst of chaos, our kids can draw us smack dab into the present moment.  Sometimes all it takes is a word or even just a certain look in his or her eyes and we are transported out of busyness and into that place of connection with our child. 

In this way, our kids are magical mindfulness magnets.  They pull us right into the now. 

These moments come in a plethora of forms -- when they need us, when they are hurting, when they are scared, when they cry, and when their joy is exuberant and flowing out like a stream of flowers.

Is there a certain time of day when you feel most connected with your child?  Do you have a memory of a time when your child pulled you into the present moment?  I'd love to hear about those magical moments of mindfulness.

[Originally posted to my new discussion group for moms, Everyday Mindfulness: Raising Conscious and Compassionate Kids]
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