Much gratitude to all of the friends and family who make it possible.
Here are the Award Rules:
- Thank the blogger who awarded it to you.
- Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, or experience using ten (10) words.
- Pass it on to 10 other blogs which you feel have real substance.
Many thanks to Angelina at Homegrown Naturally for sharing this honor with me and giving me the chance to pass it along.
My ten word blogging mantra? "Unite the mind and heart, breathe, and touch every moment."
And the ten Blogs with Substance awards go to:
1.) Heather at Shivaya Naturals. A natural family living blog. Creative, artistic and beautiful. (
2.) Sarah at Moonchild. A blog about childhood, parenting, creative play, and operating her eco-friendly toy store, Bella Luna Toys. (
3.) Courtney at Easton Locavore. One mama's quest to eat local, organic, wholesome goodness while working full time and raising a family. (
4.) Grace at My Year In Haiku. Original photography. Original poetry. Breathtaking, refreshing and insightful. (
5.) Heather at Zen & The Art Of Creativity. Insights and wisdom from a certified Reiki Master, massage therapist, friend, and mama. (
6.) Julia at Adirondack Mama. Life, family, and a creative perspective. Beautiful photography and amazing handcrafted goodies. (
7.) Laurette Lynn at The Unplugged Mom. One audacious mama helping parents identify ways to engage in their children’s development. (
8.) Hannah at A Handmade Childhood. An inside look at one mama's adventure in handcrafting a beautiful life for her children. (
9.) Mandy at Chasing My Bliss. A mother and wife learning as she goes... loving the roller coaster we call life. (
10.) Jennifer at Idiosyncratic Discoveries of Rose. Musings of a mother-wife-daughter-sister-teacher-friend-tree hugger-lover-poet-budding activist-romantic. (
AND... I can't help but make it eleven and give special props to Karyl at Mommies Who Love Fitness who has been an inspiration to so many of us through the years. Keep your eyes open for updates at her blog including a new e-book that's coming soon!
Looking at this list of women makes my heart absolutely sing. I am so grateful for each and every one of you... and constantly reminded of the healing, transformative energy that we, as mothers, possess. Motherhood -- a sacred responsibility indeed.