Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day Two: Meditation Challenge {five tips for supporting your practice}

Because everything is connected, everything we do off of the pillow effects what happens on the pillow.  Here are five tips for supporting your practice.

1.) Create an environment of calm.  De-clutter the counter-tops, tidy your bookshelves, and organize your closet.  Encourage your kids to play with only one toy at a time.  Unplug the television.  Resist the urge to check emails and social networks first thing in the morning.  Consider these two weeks an at-home meditation retreat.

2.) Enlist support.  Tell friends and family about your meditation challenge.  Ask them to support you by contributing to your environment of calm. 

3.) Eat mindfully.  Enjoy whole foods, raw fruits and veggies, and organic grains.  While you are cooking, consider the long journey your food made to get to your kitchen.  Set the table with cloth napkins and tablecloths.  Consider saying a verse before eating such as, "the meal on my plate is the work of the universe."  Chew only your food - not your ideas or projects or worries.

4.) Exercise.  When our body is restless, so is our mind.  Try starting your day with a few rounds of Sun Salutations.    Get to a class, go for a walk, or exercise right at home with one of these award winning yoga DVDs from Gaiam.

5.) Connect with nature.  Noticing what is happening outside helps us notice what is happening within.  Watch the sunrise or the sunset.  Walk barefoot on the grass.  Have a picnic lunch.  Get to know the native plants in your area.  Create a nature table with seasonal items found on walks.   

It's not too late to join our 14 Day Meditation Challenge.  Sign up here and let your fourteen days begin today.  Much love & light to all.
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